Not Quite Light Festival

Not Quite Light is an annual weekend festival encompassing themes of regeneration, heritage and transition. Based in Salford, events using the half-light of dawn and dusk as inspiration include workshops, performances, panel discussions and film screenings and explore how moments of physical, spiritual and emotional regeneration impact our lives. The festival is aimed at artists,…

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Bluecoat Hub Redevelopment

Bluecoat, Liverpool’s centre for the contemporary arts, secured capital funding to develop the ground floor public areas of the building (known as the Hub) in 2018. The project has transformed the public areas, enabling Bluecoat to better reflect their vision, mission and values. Through the capital works, Bluecoat have created a vibrant and welcoming ground…

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Venus Kings Centre

Venus is a 25-year-old community based, grassroots charity working alongside Women, Children, Young People and Families. Well respected by the community and the other organisations which serve it, Venus pride themselves on their accessibility and responsiveness to community need, of which they have strong understanding. The project vision is to secure the restoration and occupation…

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SHAP are a major force in combating homelessness, poverty anddisadvantage. SHAP’s latest ambition is to redevelop a housing plot on EarleRoad in Wavertree, Liverpool to provide workshop and retail space for their charitable furniture recycling activities and supported accommodation with training and employment opportunities for homeless people in the living space above the shops. Through…

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Liverpool Playhouse is an 1866 Victorian music hall that was altered to become a three tier theatre in 1896 and remodelled and extended in 1911. An extension with foyer, bars, office and back of house accommodation was added in 1968. Through & Around were appointed in 2017 to manage the project through two phases, from…

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Walk the Plank

A new home for Walk The Plank, to enable a dedicated creative learning and making hub for outdoor arts in the UK. The project merged two existing WTP premises onto a single refurbished site that will reunite the WTP delivery team, makers and management team. The building’s main spaces incorporate 3 bays of refurbished warehouse…

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